Today, Wednesday May 26, 2010, was Kindergarten Fun Day at Westwood Primary. They had 4 different bounce-around type things and the kids had a BLAST! Hannah was absolutely worn out by the time her class was finished playing. She asked if I could just check her out so she could go home and take a nap because P.E. wore her out today! Ms. Morgan also told me she asked if they were going to have rest time today because she was just tired! She is too funny. They were also getting sprayed with the water hose. For some of the kids, that was the best part! Ha! Hannah's favorite part was "getting sprayed with the water hose." The school could have saved some serious money! Ha.

Hannah coming down the big blow-up slide.

Fizza, Hannah B., Lily, Hannah S., & Abigail......such sweet friends!

Hannah & Kaylee after they went down the slide....notice her throwin' the peace sign.

Kaylee & Hannah going down the big slide.

Payton Tedford & Hannah (Payton was in preschool with Hannah)

Lily, Hannah & Fizza

Hannah and Lily

Hannah coming out of the obstacle course...she went through this several times.

The 2 Hannah's

Gage & Hannah

Hannah jumping in the bounce around.

I can't believe that Hannah is finished with Kindergarten and is now going to be in the 1st grade! Wow! This year has flown by. I am so proud of how great she has done. She is a smart girl and really cares about people. I pray her love for others stays with her forever. Thank you God for my wonderful & beautiful little girl!!
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